1.5 Conventions

1.5.1 Units

Every field has its own unit that is defined in the proto files. For more information, see the example in the contribution guidelines.

1.5.2 Modal verbs

To ensure compliance with the ASAM OSI® standard, users need to be able to distinguish between mandatory requirements, recommendations, permissions, as well as possibilities and capabilities.

The following rules for using modal verbs apply:

Table 1. Rules for using modal verbs
Provision Verbal form

Requirements shall be followed strictly in order to conform to the standard. Deviations are not allowed.

shall not

Recommendations indicate that one possibility out of the several available is particularly suitable, without mentioning or excluding the other possibilities.

should not

Permissions indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of ASAM OSI® deliverables.

need not

Possibilities and capabilities
Verbal forms used to state possibilities or capabilities, whether technical, material, physical, etc.


Obligations and necessities
Verbal forms used to describe legal, organizational, or technical obligations and necessities that are not regulated or enforced by the ASAM OSI® standard.

must not

1.5.3 Typographic conventions

This documentation uses the following typographical conventions:

Table 2. Typographical conventions
Mark-up Definition

Code elements

This format is used for code elements, such as technical names of classes and attributes, as well as attribute values.

Technical concepts

This format is used for technical concepts. Technical concepts as opposed to code elements do not have a special highlighting.

Code snippets

This format is used for excerpts of code that serve as an example for implementation.


This format is used to introduce glossary terms, new terms and to emphasize terms.

Mathematical elements

This format is used for calculations and mathematical elements.


This describes a tag for an XML element


The "@" identifies an attribute of an XML element.