v3.4.0 - OSI "Gallant Glock"

Stay p(OSI)tive!


In this minor release, several interface messages have been updated and extended to better ensure consistency within the standard itself and harmonization with other OpenX-Standards like ASAM OpenDRIVE. Moreover, this release provides a first glance on the on-going efforts for OSI’s documentation improvements and migration to AsciiDoc.

Documentation Updates
  • Updated the documentation’s structure and migrated it to AsciiDoc.

  • Updated the description of OSI’s top level messages.

  • Updates on additional descriptions, like those for trace file formats, naming conventions and installation instructions for Linux/Windows.

Technical Updates
  • Extended SensorViewConfiguration message to allow the consumer to choose to not include static content in the SensorView ground truth information.

  • Updated StationaryObject classification enums to avoid "pylon" duplication.

  • Extended StationaryObject classification message to include speed bumps.

  • Extended StationaryObject to include emitting structures of electromagnetic waves (for example this can be used to define a streetlamp).

  • Extended the TrafficSign classification message, by adding attributes country, country_revision, code and sub_code, to better support internationalization and to align with ASAM OpenDRIVE.

  • Updated the color coding message description to better align with ASAM OpenDRIVE.

  • Update the color coding message description to include Grey, RGB, RGBIR, HSV, LUV and thus align with ISO-23150.

  • Added an enum for dashed lane boundaries to disambiguate start and end of those.

  • Extended HostVehcileData with more comprehensive on-board information, and promoted the message to a top-level message for exchange between simulation environments and (external) dynamic models.

  • Extended LidarDetection message under feature data to include echo pulse width information to better support several sensor outputs that are currently on the market.

  • Extended OSI to include a generic external reference message to enable traceability for data from other standards, including other ASAM OpenX standards.

  • Added support for using OSI with Flatbuffers encoding for OSI messages instead of ProtoBuffers, in preparation for a potential switch of default encoding in a future major release.

  • Extended LaneBoundary message to include additional types, to better align with ASAM OpenDRIVE.