4.3.8 Forking for non-member contributors

External contributors must fork the OSI repositories and contribute their changes via a pull request.


  • You have a GitHub account.


  1. Create an issue describing the intended change.

  2. Fork the corresponding OSI repository on GitHub.

  3. Clone the forked repository on your local machine.

  4. Create a branch with a meaningful name. Follow the branch-name conventions.

  5. Commit and push your changes to the branch. Follow the commit messages guidelines.

  6. When your changes are ready for review, create a pull request. If possible, add references to corresponding issues and appropriate labels.

  7. Ask reviewers to review your changes.

  8. When discussions about the changes are done, add the ReadyForCCBReview label. Pull request with this label will be discussed in the next meeting of the Change Control Board.

  9. When the Change Control Board approves of the changes, the pull request is labelled as ReadyToMerge. This label indicates that the changes in the pull request can be merged.

  10. Merge the changes into the master branch of the repository.

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