osi3::LidarDetection Struct Reference

A point or vertical line in a lidar point cloud. More...

Collaboration diagram for osi3::LidarDetection:

Public Attributes

optional double existence_probability = 1
 Existence probability of the detection not based on history. More...
optional Identifier object_id = 2
 ID of the detected object this detection is associated to. More...
optional Spherical3d position = 3
 Measured position of the detection given in spherical coordinates in the sensor coordinate system. More...
optional Spherical3d position_rmse = 4
 Root mean squared error of the measured position of the detection. More...
optional double height = 5
 The height value which is required when multiple scan points are vertically clustered. More...
optional double height_rmse = 6
 Root mean squared error of the object height. More...
optional double intensity = 7
 Intensity or equivalent value of the detection's echo. More...
optional double free_space_probability = 8
 The free space probability in the range [0.0, 1.0] from the origin of the sensor up to this detection, as given by the distance. More...
optional DetectionClassification classification = 9
 Basic classification of the detection. More...
optional double reflectivity = 10
 Lambertian reflectivity. More...
optional double echo_pulse_width = 11
 Echo pulse width of the detection's echo. More...

Detailed Description

A point or vertical line in a lidar point cloud.

Member Data Documentation

◆ existence_probability

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::existence_probability = 1

Existence probability of the detection not based on history.

Value does not depend on any past experience with similar detections.

Used as confidence measure where a low value means less confidence and a high value indicates strong confidence.
is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
is_less_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ object_id

optional Identifier osi3::LidarDetection::object_id = 2

ID of the detected object this detection is associated to.

ID = MAX(uint64) indicates no reference to an object.
refers_to: DetectedObject

◆ position

optional Spherical3d osi3::LidarDetection::position = 3

Measured position of the detection given in spherical coordinates in the sensor coordinate system.

◆ position_rmse

optional Spherical3d osi3::LidarDetection::position_rmse = 4

Root mean squared error of the measured position of the detection.

◆ height

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::height = 5

The height value which is required when multiple scan points are vertically clustered.

Only vertical clustering is allowed (z-axis).

Unit: m

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0

◆ height_rmse

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::height_rmse = 6

Root mean squared error of the object height.

Unit: m

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0

◆ intensity

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::intensity = 7

Intensity or equivalent value of the detection's echo.

Unit: %

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
is_less_than_or_equal_to: 100

◆ free_space_probability

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::free_space_probability = 8

The free space probability in the range [0.0, 1.0] from the origin of the sensor up to this detection, as given by the distance.

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
is_less_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ classification

optional DetectionClassification osi3::LidarDetection::classification = 9

Basic classification of the detection.

◆ reflectivity

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::reflectivity = 10

Lambertian reflectivity.

◆ echo_pulse_width

optional double osi3::LidarDetection::echo_pulse_width = 11

Echo pulse width of the detection's echo.

Several sensors output an echo pulse width instead of an intensity for each individual detection. The echo pulse is measured in m and measures the extent of the object parts or atmospheric particles that produce the echo.

For more details see [1] Fig. 7 and 8.
Fig. 7 shows an example where the two echos are reflected from the edges A-B and C-D.
Fig. 8 shows how the echo pulse width is measured as the range between the rising edge and the falling edge that crosses the intensity threshold.

Unit: m

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
[1] Rosenberger, P., Holder, M.F., Cianciaruso, N. et al. (2020). Sequential lidar sensor system simulation: a modular approach for simulation-based safety validation of automated driving Automot. Engine Technol. 5, Fig 7, Fig 8. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from https://doi.org/10.1007/s41104-020-00066-x

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