osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration Struct Reference

The configuration settings for the Camera Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation. More...

Collaboration diagram for osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration:

Public Attributes

optional Identifier sensor_id = 1
 The ID of the sensor at host vehicle's mounting_position. More...
optional MountingPosition mounting_position = 2
 The physical mounting position of the sensor (origin and orientation of the sensor coordinate system) given in vehicle coordinates [1]. More...
optional MountingPosition mounting_position_rmse = 3
 The root mean squared error of the mounting position. More...
optional double field_of_view_horizontal = 4
 Field of View in horizontal orientation of the physical sensor. More...
optional double field_of_view_vertical = 5
 Field of View in vertical orientation of the physical sensor. More...
optional uint32 number_of_pixels_horizontal = 6
 Number of pixels to produce across horizontal field of view. More...
optional uint32 number_of_pixels_vertical = 7
 Number of pixels to produce across horizontal field of view. More...
repeated ChannelFormat channel_format = 8
 Format for image data (includes number, kind and format of channels). More...
optional uint32 samples_per_pixel = 9
 Number of samples per pixel. More...
optional uint32 max_number_of_interactions = 10
 Maximum number of interactions to take into account. More...
repeated WavelengthData wavelength_data = 11
 In use-cases where a spectral ray-tracer is used, this message determines the range of the wavelength and its desired number of samples. More...

Detailed Description

The configuration settings for the Camera Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ChannelFormat

Channel format.


Type of channel format is unknown (must not be used).


Unspecified but known channel format.

Consider proposing an additional format if using CHANNEL_FORMAT_OTHER.


Single Luminance Channel UINT8 Linear.


Single Luminance Channel UINT16 Linear.


Single Luminance Channel UINT32 Linear.


Single Luminance Channel Single Precision FP Linear.


Packed RGB Channels (no padding) UINT8 Linear.


Packed RGB Channels (no padding) UINT16 Linear.


Packed RGB Channels (no padding) UINT32 Linear.


Packed RGB Channels (no padding) Single Precision FP Linear.


Bayer BGGR Channels UINT8 FP Linear.


Bayer BGGR Channels UINT16 FP Linear.


Bayer BGGR Channels UINT32 FP Linear.


Bayer BGGR Channels Single Precision FP Linear.


Bayer RGGB Channels UINT8 FP Linear.


Bayer RGGB Channels UINT16 FP Linear.


Bayer RGGB Channels UINT32 FP Linear.


Bayer RGGB Channels Single Precision FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Clear Channels UINT8 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Clear Channels UINT16 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Clear Channels UINT32 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Clear Channels Single Precision FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Blue Channels UINT8 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Blue Channels UINT16 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Blue Channels UINT32 FP Linear.


Red Clear Clear Blue Channels Single Precision FP Linear.

Member Data Documentation

◆ sensor_id

optional Identifier osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::sensor_id = 1

The ID of the sensor at host vehicle's mounting_position.

This is the ID of the physical sensor, to be used in its detected features output; it is distinct from the ID of its virtual sensor.

The ID is to be provided by the environment simulation, the sensor model is not in a position to provide a useful default value.

◆ mounting_position

optional MountingPosition osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::mounting_position = 2

The physical mounting position of the sensor (origin and orientation of the sensor coordinate system) given in vehicle coordinates [1].

The physical position pertains to this detector individually, and governs the sensor-relative coordinates in features detected by this detector.

  • x-direction of sensor coordinate system: sensor viewing direction
  • z-direction of sensor coordinate system: sensor (up)
  • y-direction of sensor coordinate system: perpendicular to x and z right hand system
[1] DIN Deutsches Institut fuer Normung e. V. (2013). DIN ISO 8855 Strassenfahrzeuge - Fahrzeugdynamik und Fahrverhalten - Begriffe. (DIN ISO 8855:2013-11). Berlin, Germany.
The origin of vehicle's coordinate system in world frame is ( MovingObject::base . BaseMoving::position + Inverse_Rotation_yaw_pitch_roll( MovingObject::base . BaseMoving::orientation) * MovingObject::VehicleAttributes::bbcenter_to_rear) . The orientation of the vehicle's coordinate system is equal to the orientation of the vehicle's bounding box MovingObject::base . BaseMoving::orientation.
A default position can be provided by the sensor model (e.g. to indicate the position the model was validated for), but this is optional; the environment simulation must provide a valid mounting position (based on the vehicle configuration) when setting the view configuration.

◆ mounting_position_rmse

optional MountingPosition osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::mounting_position_rmse = 3

The root mean squared error of the mounting position.

◆ field_of_view_horizontal

optional double osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::field_of_view_horizontal = 4

Field of View in horizontal orientation of the physical sensor.

Viewing range: [- field_of_view_horizontal/2, field_of_view_horizontal/2] azimuth in the sensor frame as defined in Spherical3d.

Unit: rad

◆ field_of_view_vertical

optional double osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::field_of_view_vertical = 5

Field of View in vertical orientation of the physical sensor.

Viewing range: [- field_of_view_vertical/2, field_of_view_vertical/2] elevation in the sensor frame at zero azimuth as defined in Spherical3d.

Unit: rad

◆ number_of_pixels_horizontal

optional uint32 osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::number_of_pixels_horizontal = 6

Number of pixels to produce across horizontal field of view.

This is a characteristic of the rendering engine of the environment simulation, not a direct characteristic of the sensor.
is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ number_of_pixels_vertical

optional uint32 osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::number_of_pixels_vertical = 7

Number of pixels to produce across horizontal field of view.

This is a characteristic of the rendering engine of the environment simulation, not a direct characteristic of the sensor.
is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ channel_format

repeated ChannelFormat osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::channel_format = 8

Format for image data (includes number, kind and format of channels).

In the message provided by the sensor model, this field can be repeated and all values are acceptable to the model, with the most acceptable value being listed first, and the remaining values indicating alternatives in descending order of preference.

In the message provided to the sensor model, this field must contain exactly one value, indicating the format of the image data being provided by the simulation environment - which must be one of the values the sensor model requested - or there must be no value, indicating that the simulation environment cannot provide image data in one of the requested formats.

is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ samples_per_pixel

optional uint32 osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::samples_per_pixel = 9

Number of samples per pixel.

This is a characteristic of the ray tracing engine of the environment simulation, not a direct characteristic of the sensor.
is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ max_number_of_interactions

optional uint32 osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::max_number_of_interactions = 10

Maximum number of interactions to take into account.

This is a characteristic of the ray tracing engine of the environment simulation, not a direct characteristic of the sensor.
is_greater_than_or_equal_to: 1

◆ wavelength_data

repeated WavelengthData osi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration::wavelength_data = 11

In use-cases where a spectral ray-tracer is used, this message determines the range of the wavelength and its desired number of samples.

  • osi_sensorviewconfiguration.proto