Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
Cosi3::TrafficAction::AbortActionsAction | AbortActionsAction |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::AcquireGlobalPositionAction | Acquire global position action |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::ActionHeader | The action header |
Cosi3::RadarSensorViewConfiguration::AntennaDiagramEntry | The radar antenna diagram |
Cosi3::TrafficSign::SupplementarySign::Classification::Arrow | An arrow denoting a direction shown on the traffic sign |
Cosi3::BaseMoving | The base attributes of an object that is moving |
Cosi3::BaseStationary | The base attributes of a stationary object or entity |
Cosi3::LaneBoundary::BoundaryPoint | A single point of a lane boundary |
Cosi3::CameraDetection | Camera detection from the sensor |
Cosi3::CameraDetectionData | Data from one camera sensor including a list of detections |
Cosi3::CameraDetectionSpecificHeader | Specific header extension for camera sensors |
Cosi3::CameraPoint | Camera point from the sensor |
Cosi3::CameraSensorView | Definition of the camera sensor view |
Cosi3::CameraSensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the Camera Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::CameraSpecificObjectData | Message encapsulates all data for detected objects that is specific to camera sensors |
Cosi3::DetectedLane::CandidateLane | A candidate for a detected lane as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedLaneBoundary::CandidateLaneBoundary | A candidate for a detected lane boundary as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficSign::DetectedMainSign::CandidateMainSign | A candidate for a detected main sign as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedMovingObject::CandidateMovingObject | A candidate for a detected moving object as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedOccupant::CandidateOccupant | A candidate for a detected occupant as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedRoadMarking::CandidateRoadMarking | A candidate for a detected road marking as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedStationaryObject::CandidateStationaryObject | A candidate for a detected stationary object as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficSign::DetectedSupplementarySign::CandidateSupplementarySign | A candidate for a detected supplementary sign as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficLight::CandidateTrafficLight | A candidate for a detected traffic light as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::TrafficLight::Classification | Classification data for a traffic light |
Cosi3::TrafficSign::MainSign::Classification | Classification data for a traffic sign |
Cosi3::Lane::Classification | Classification of a lane |
Cosi3::TrafficSign::SupplementarySign::Classification | Classification data for a supplementary traffic sign |
Cosi3::LaneBoundary::Classification | Classification of a lane boundary |
Cosi3::StationaryObject::Classification | Classification data for a stationary object |
Cosi3::Occupant::Classification | Information regarding the classification of the occupant |
Cosi3::RoadMarking::Classification | Classification data for a road surface marking |
Cosi3::EnvironmentalConditions::CloudLayer | Description of a cloud layer |
Cosi3::ColorCMYK | CMYK colors model |
Cosi3::ColorDescription | The description of a color within available color spaces |
Cosi3::ColorGrey | Greyscale color model |
Cosi3::ColorHSV | HSV color model |
Cosi3::ColorLUV | LUV color model |
Cosi3::ColorRGB | RGB color model |
Cosi3::ColorRGBIR | RGBIR color model |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::CustomAction | Custom Action |
Cosi3::DetectedEntityHeader | The header attributes of each detected entity |
Cosi3::DetectedItemHeader | The common information for a detected item as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedLane | A lane segment as detected by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedLaneBoundary | A lane boundary segment as detected by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficSign::DetectedMainSign | Candidates for a detected main sign as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedMovingObject | Moving object in the environment as detected and perceived by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedOccupant | A vehicle occupant as detected and perceived by an interior sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedRoadMarking | A road marking in the environment as detected by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedStationaryObject | A stationary object (e.g |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficSign::DetectedSupplementarySign | Candidates for all detected supplementary signs of one traffic sign as estimated by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficLight | A traffic light in the environment as detected by the sensor |
Cosi3::DetectedTrafficSign | A traffic sign in the environment as detected by the sensor |
Cosi3::Dimension3d | The dimension of a 3D box, e.g |
Cosi3::TrafficCommandUpdate::DismissedAction | Action which a traffic participant dismisses |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleAutomatedDrivingFunction::DriverOverride | Driver override information |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::DynamicConstraints | DynamicConstraints |
Cosi3::StationaryObject::Classification::EmittingStructureAttribute | Attributes of type emitting structure |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::EndActionsAction | End actions action |
Cosi3::EnvironmentalConditions | The conditions of the environment |
Cosi3::ExternalReference | References to external objects |
Cosi3::FeatureData | Interface for sensor data containing information without a history in contrast to interpreted data after object hypothesis and tracking |
►CFileOptions | |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::FollowPathAction | Follow path action |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::FollowTrajectoryAction | Follow trajectory action |
Cosi3::GenericSensorView | Definition of the generic sensor view |
Cosi3::GenericSensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the Generic Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::GeodeticPosition | The geodetic position of an object, that is, the center of the 3D bounding box |
Cosi3::GroundTruth | The ground truth information from the simulation environment |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData | Host vehicle data is about the perception of the vehicle about its own internal states |
Cosi3::Identifier | A common identifier (ID), represented as an integer |
Cosi3::InterfaceVersion | The interface version number |
Cosi3::KeyValuePair | Generic key-value pair structure |
Cosi3::Lane | A lane in the road network |
Cosi3::LaneBoundary | A lane boundary defining the border of a lane |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::LaneChangeAction | Lane change action |
Cosi3::LogicalLane::LaneConnection | Connection to another lane (predecessor or successor) |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::LaneOffsetAction | Lane Offset Action |
Cosi3::Lane::Classification::LanePairing | The lane ID pairings of antecessor and successor lanes |
Cosi3::LogicalLane::LaneRelation | Relation of this lane to another logical lane |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::LateralDistanceAction | Lateral Distance Action |
Cosi3::LidarDetection | A point or vertical line in a lidar point cloud |
Cosi3::LidarDetectionData | Data from one lidar sensor including a list of detections |
Cosi3::LidarSensorView | Definition of the lidar sensor view |
Cosi3::LidarSensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the Lidar Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::LidarSpecificObjectData | Message encapsulates all data for detected objects that is specific to lidar sensors |
Cosi3::MovingObject::VehicleClassification::LightState | The state of the lights of a vehicle |
Cosi3::LogicalLaneBoundary::LogicalBoundaryPoint | A point on the boundary |
Cosi3::LogicalDetection | A logical detection that could be based on multiple sensors and sensor types |
Cosi3::LogicalDetectionData | Processed data from one or multiple sensors as a list of logical detections |
Cosi3::LogicalDetectionDataHeader | The header attributes of each sensor's logical detections list |
Cosi3::LogicalLane | A logical lane in the road network |
Cosi3::LogicalLaneAssignment | Assignment of an object to a logical lane |
Cosi3::LogicalLaneBoundary | Boundary line of a LogicalLane |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::LongitudinalDistanceAction | Longitudinal Distance Action |
Cosi3::TrafficSign::MainSign | Main sign of the traffic sign |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehiclePowertrain::Motor | A description of the motor states |
Cosi3::MountingPosition | Specifies the mounting position of a sensor |
Cosi3::MovingObject | A simulated object that is either a vehicle or another moving object (animal, pedestrian, etc), but not a stationary object (TrafficLight , TrafficSign , or StationaryObject ) |
Cosi3::MovingObject::MovingObjectClassification | Information for the classification of moving objects regarding MovingObject (host or other) |
Cosi3::Occupant | An occupant of a host vehicle, especially the driver of the vehicle |
Cosi3::Orientation3d | A 3D orientation, orientation rate or orientation acceleration (i.e |
Cosi3::Pedalry | A description for the positions of the pedals |
Cosi3::LogicalLane::PhysicalLaneReference | Reference to a physical lane |
Cosi3::RadarDetection | A radar detection |
Cosi3::RadarDetectionData | Data from one radar sensor including a list of detections |
Cosi3::RadarSensorView | Definition of the radar sensor view |
Cosi3::RadarSensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the Radar Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::RadarSpecificObjectData | Message encapsulates all data for detected objects that is specific to radar sensors |
Cosi3::ReferenceLine | A reference line for defining a non-euclidean ST coordinate system |
Cosi3::ReferenceLine::ReferenceLinePoint | A point on the reference line |
Cosi3::RadarSensorView::Reflection | Definition of the radar reflection |
Cosi3::LidarSensorView::Reflection | Definition of the lidar reflection |
Cosi3::Lane::Classification::RoadCondition | The condition of the road surface |
Cosi3::RoadMarking | A road surface marking |
Cosi3::SensorData | The sensor information derived from GroundTruth and processed by sensor-models |
Cosi3::SensorDataSeries | (Time) Series of SensorData messages that may be used for data recording or internal buffering by some sensor models |
Cosi3::SensorDataSeriesList | List of sensors where each element contains a time series of SensorData messages |
Cosi3::SensorDetectionHeader | The header attributes of each sensor's detection list |
Cosi3::SensorView | The sensor view is derived from GroundTruth and used as input to sensor models |
Cosi3::SensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the SensorView to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::UltrasonicSpecificObjectData::Signalway | Message encapsulates all data for detected objects that is specific to ultrasonic sensors |
Cosi3::SpatialSignalStrength | Definition of a spatial signal strength distribution for an emitting / transmitting / receiving entity with a horizontal and a vertical angle and the corresponding signal strength in dBm (decibels per milliwatt) |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::SpeedAction | Speed action |
Cosi3::Spherical3d | A spherical representation for a point or vector in 3D space |
Cosi3::StatePoint | The StatePoint definition |
Cosi3::StationaryObject | A simulated object that is neither a moving object (vehicle or MovingObject e.g |
Cosi3::EnvironmentalConditions::Sun | Properties of the sun |
Cosi3::TrafficSign::SupplementarySign | Additional supplementary sign modifying the main sign |
Cosi3::TrafficAction::TeleportAction | Teleport Action |
Cosi3::EnvironmentalConditions::TimeOfDay | The time of day at a specified location |
Cosi3::Timestamp | A timestamp |
Cosi3::TrafficAction | Atomic traffic actions to be performed |
Cosi3::TrafficCommand | The scenario engine provides control commands in the traffic command message to traffic participant models |
Cosi3::TrafficCommandUpdate | This message enables the traffic participant model to send updates to the scenario engine about the execution of its received TrafficCommand input |
Cosi3::TrafficLight | A traffic light |
Cosi3::TrafficSign | A traffic sign |
Cosi3::TrafficSignValue | Additional value associated with a traffic sign or road marking, its unit and its text |
Cosi3::TrafficUpdate | The traffic update message is provided by traffic participant models to provide updates to their position, state and future trajectory back to the simulation environment |
Cosi3::UltrasonicDetection | Ultrasonic detection from the sensor (same sensor as sender and receiver) |
Cosi3::UltrasonicDetectionData | Data from one ultrasonic sensor including a list of detections |
Cosi3::UltrasonicDetectionSpecificHeader | Specific header extension for ultrasonic sensors |
Cosi3::UltrasonicIndirectDetection | Ultrasonic detection received by another ultrasonic sensor (different sensors as sender and receiver) |
Cosi3::UltrasonicSensorView | Definition of the ultrasonic sensor view |
Cosi3::UltrasonicSensorViewConfiguration | The configuration settings for the Ultrasonic Sensor View to be provided by the environment simulation |
Cosi3::UltrasonicSpecificObjectData | Message encapsulates all data for detected objects that is specific to ultrasonic sensors |
Cosi3::Vector2d | A cartesian 2D vector for positions, velocities or accelerations or its uncertainties |
Cosi3::Vector3d | A cartesian 3D vector for positions, velocities or accelerations or its uncertainties |
Cosi3::MovingObject::VehicleAttributes | The vehicle attributes for MovingObject (host or other) |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleAutomatedDrivingFunction | State of one automated driving function on the host vehicle |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleBasics | Base parameters and overall states of the vehicle |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleBrakeSystem | The focus here is on the description of the brake system |
Cosi3::MovingObject::VehicleClassification | Information for the classification of vehicles regarding MovingObject (host or other) |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleLocalization | Current calculated and estimated location that can be based on GNSS and related navigation sensors |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehiclePowertrain | State description of the powertrain |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleSteering | The focus here is on the description of the steering train |
Cosi3::VehicleSteeringWheel | A description of the steering wheel |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleWheels | The focus here is on the description of internal wheel states |
Cosi3::WavelengthData | Detailed WavelengthRange message |
Cosi3::MovingObject::VehicleAttributes::WheelData | Detailed wheel data |
Cosi3::HostVehicleData::VehicleWheels::WheelData | The focus here is on the description of internal wheel states |
Cosi3::EnvironmentalConditions::Wind | Defines wind properties |