3.2.10 Traffic command inputs

Traffic command inputs are present in traffic participant models. This makes it possible to control the traffic participant behavior using scenario engines.


Traffic command inputs shall be named with the following prefix:



  • If only one traffic command input is configured, the prefix shall only be OSMPTrafficCommandIn.

  • If more than one traffic command input is configured, the prefix shall be extended by an array index designator, for example OSMPTrafficCommandIn[1] and OSMPTrafficCommandIn[2].

  • Array indices shall start at 1 and shall be consecutive.

  • Each traffic command input shall be defined as a notional discrete binary input variable with @causality="input" and @variability="discrete".

  • The MIME type of the variable shall specify the type="TrafficCommand" as part of the MIME type parameters.

  • Traffic commands shall be encoded as osi3::TrafficCommand.

  • The guaranteed lifetime of the traffic command protocol-buffer pointer provided as input to the FMU shall be from the time of the call to fmi2SetInteger that provides those values until the end of the following fmi2DoStep call.