v3.7.0 - OSI "Jolly Jones"

Ambr(OSI)al Features!


This minor release contains a number of incremental enhancements and improvements:

  • Sub-bounding boxes can be provided for ground truth objects to model e.g. concave non-rectangular objects in more realistic ways without resorting to full 3D models.

  • Logical lanes can contain effective speed limit information to avoid the need to process traffic signs for speed selection.

  • Routing information can be transmitted as part of HostVehicleData.

  • Orientation rates can be transmitted as part of pedestrian skeleton information.

  • A virtual detection area can be supplied in SensorData to visualize or indicate the currently active nominal detection area of a sensor.

  • The system time of a source of SensorData can be supplied in addition to the simulation measurement timestamp to aid timing simulation and measurement use cases.

  • An offset has been introduced that is to be added to the cartesian global ground truth coordinate system prior to mapping into a geodetic coordinate system with the proj.4 string. This harmonizes OSI with OpenDRIVE and allows the easier provision of false easting/northing in the coordinate transformation.

  • The set of car types has been reduced to better harmonize with other OpenX standards as part of overall harmonization efforts.

Beyond that, many clarifications, improvements in definitions and documentation, enhanced installation information and enhanced Python support, including provisioning of Python packages on PyPI are key improvements in this release.

  • Add beam ID to LidarDetection.

  • Update release.yml.

  • Add osi_trafficcommandupdate.proto to CMakeLists.

  • Make CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD overridable (fix #741).

  • Update build workflow for modular protobuf version support.

  • Workflow: Update Python and Actions + Black formatting Python files.

  • feat: New OSI message osi_route.

  • Add orientation rate to PedestrianAttributes::Bone.

  • Define mandatory field with checker rules.

  • Removal of the historical .txt trace file format and related scripts.

  • Fix typos in proto files.

  • Add new message for sub-bounding boxes.

  • Update github actions for release workflow.

  • Add check that all proto files are included in build.

  • feat: Add virtual detection area.

  • Modernize python build setup, protoc dependency.

  • Remove OSC todo comment from source_reference.

  • Fix documentation on FeatureData messages.

  • Feature/proj offset.

  • Add system time to sensor data.

  • Add pyspelling html filter.

  • Deprecate various car types in favor of new alias TYPE_CAR.

  • Fix streaming principle image reference.

  • Logical Traffic Rules and Speed Limit.